

    1. Why Use Pressbooks?
    2. About This Guide
    1. Create Your Book
    2. Add Your Book Information
    3. Add and Organize Your Text
    4. Choose Your Book Theme
    5. Export Your Book
  1. Manage Your Account
      1. Register Your Account
      2. Register Your First Book
      1. Subscribe to Your Book
      2. What’s Included in Your Subscription
      3. Premium Support
      4. Update Payment Information
      5. Cancel a Subscription
      1. Changing Your Password When You Can’t Log In
      2. Changing Your Password When You’re Already Logged In
      1. Personal Options
      2. Name
      3. Contact Info
      4. About Yourself
      5. Account Management
      1. Navigating the Organize Menu
      2. Adding a new section
      3. Editing, Viewing, and Reordering Sections
      4. Book Privacy and Exporting
      5. Related Chapters
      1. General Book Information
      2. Cover Image
      3. Subject
      4. Copyright
      5. About the Book
      6. Additional Catalog Information
      7. Book-level Contributors
      1. Selecting Your Book Theme
      2. Theme Options
      3. Custom Styles
      1. Select Content for Export
      2. Export Your Book Files
      3. Export your Book as as Pressbooks XML file
      4. Export Your Book as a Common Cartridge File
      5. Viewing Your Latest Exports
      6. Distributing Your Exported Files on the Web
      1. Adding media to your Library
      2. Adding details to your media
      3. Editing Images
      4. Deleting media
      1. Adding Users and Assigning Permissions
      2. Managing Users and Changing Permissions
      3. User Roles in Pressbooks
      1. Change the Visibility of Your Book
      2. Change the Visibility of Private Content
      3. Enable Comments
      4. Share Latest Export Files
      5. Pressbooks Directory
      6. Export
      7. File Settings
      8. Hypothesis
      9. H5P
      10. MathJax or QuickLaTeX
      11. Akismet Anti-Spam
      1. What is the Catalog?
      2. Using the Catalog
      3. Customizing your Catalog Profile
  2. Make Your Book
      1. How a Webbook is Made
      2. The Webbook Homepage
      3. The Pressbooks Reading Interface
      4. Webbook Interactivity – Pressbooks
      5. Why Create a Webbook?
      1. Write Your Book Directly in Pressbooks
      2. Copy and Paste from Another Source
      3. Import from a Word Document
      4. Import from a Pressbooks XML file
      1. Search the Directory
      2. Filter Directory Results
      3. Book Cards
      1. Clone a Book
      2. Understand Cloning Error Messages
      3. What Content is Cloned
      1. Add New Front Matter
      2. Delete Front Matter
      3. Edit Front Matter
      4. Apply Front Matter Types
      5. Understand Front Matter Order in Exports
      1. Add a New Part
      2. Delete a Part
      3. Edit or Rename a Part
      4. Make a Part ‘Invisible’
      5. Changing the Part Label
      1. Add a Chapter
      2. Delete a Chapter
      3. Edit a Chapter:
      4. Chapter Types
      5. Status & Visibility Settings
      6. Using the Visual and Text Editors
      7. View, Compare, and Restore Revisions
      8. Chapter Metadata
      9. Owners
      10. Edit Chapter URL
      11. Discussion and Comments
      12. Changing the Chapter Label
      1. Add New Back Matter
      2. Delete Back Matter
      3. Edit Back Matter
      4. Back Matter Types
      5. Understand Display Order in Export Files
      6. Indexes and Notes
      1. Global Privacy Settings
      2. Chapter-level Privacy Settings
      1. Display Uploaded Media in Your Book
      2. Embed Content via oEmbed
      3. Embed iframes
      4. Insert H5P Activities
      5. Embedded Media in Exports
      1. Edit Image Details
      2. Crop, Rotate, or Scale an Image
      3. Replace an Image in One Location
      4. Replace an Image Globally
      1. Accessing the Contributors page
      2. Creating a New Contributor
      3. Contributor List
      4. Displaying Contributor Information
      1. Create a New Glossary Term
      2. Link to an Existing Term
      3. Create a Glossary List
      1. Add Footnotes
      2. Choose Where To Display Footnotes in PDF Exports
      3. Convert Footnotes from Imported Documents
      1. Enable Hypothesis in Your Book
      1. Create H5P Activities
      2. Import H5P Activities
      3. Add H5P Activities to Your Book
      4. View All H5P Activities in Your Book
      1. Headings and subheadings
      2. Code
      3. Email
      4. Equation/Latex
      5. Blockquote
      6. Footnote
      7. Anchor
      8. Textbox
      9. Columns
      10. Media
      11. Captions
      12. Apply Custom Classes
      13. Nesting Shortcodes
      1. Publish Accessible Content
      2. Use Accessibility Features Provided By Pressbooks
      3. Help Translate Pressbooks
      1. Remove Unwanted Span Elements
      2. Heading Styles
      3. Blockquotes  (and )
      4. Non-indented Paragraphs
      5. Lists (Bulleted and Numbered)
      1. Improving Directory Metadata
      1. Set Your Book’s Language
      2. Add Language & Script Support
      1. To restore Trashed Content
      2. To Permanently Delete Content
      1. Use the Visual Editor
      2. Use the Text Editor
      3. HTML Basics
      4. Write in Markdown
      1. Create a Table
      2. Add or Remove Rows and Columns
      3. Change the Table’s Appearance
      4. Make Your Table Accessible
      5. Delete a Table
      6. Create Interactive Tables with TablePress
      1. Add Textboxes to Your Book
      2. Customize Your Textbox Colors
      1. Display Math with MathJax
      2. Render LaTeX with WP QuickLaTeX
      3. Render LaTeX in H5P Activities
      4. Use Math in TablePress
  3. Produce Exports
      1. Title Page 
      2. Half-Title Page
      3. Copyright Notice
      4. Table of Contents
      5. Numeration and Running Content
      1. Add Custom Styles
      2. What Changes are Possible
      3. View and Restore Previous Revisions
      4. Pressbooks Custom CSS Theme
      1. Set Custom Indentation Rules for Selected Paragraphs
      2. Insert a Soft Return
      3. Disable Hyphenation for Specific Passages
      4. Change Tracking for a Selected Passage
      5. Create Section and Page Breaks in PDF Exports
      6. Change List Display
      7. Insert Pullquotes
      8. Add Dropcaps
      1. Change Your Webbook Cover
      2. Create a Marketing Cover for your Ebook Exports
      3. Create a Print-on-demand Book Cover
      4. Use the Pressbooks Cover Generator
      1. Select Your Ebook Theme Options
      2. Make and Download EPUB Exports
      1. Export Your Book as a PDF
      2. Preview your PDF Export
      3. Covers for Print PDFs
      4. Configure PDF Export Options
      1. Email Yourself Validation Logs
      2. Interpret EPUB Validation Logs
      3. Interpret PDF Validation Logs
      4. SASS Error Validation Logs
      1. Lock Your Theme
      1. Ready Your Files for Distribution
      2. Submit Your Book to an Ebook Marketplace or Printing Service
      3. Add ‘Buy’ Links to Your Book’s Home Page
      1. Choose Activity Types
      2. Choose the Right Activity Settings
      3. Update H5P Libraries
      4. Video Guide
      1. Make Sure your Chapter Is Ready
      2. Include H5P Activities for Scoring
      3. Select a Grading Scheme
      4. Improve Student Experience
      5. Video Guide
      1. Canvas
      2. Moodle
      3. Blackboard
      4. D2L Brightspace
      5. Video Guide
      1. Add the Pressbooks Results Viewer to an LMS course
      2. View Results
      3. Understand Displayed Scores
      4. See Submitted Responses
      5. Report Grading Issue
      6. Test as a Student
      7. Video Guide
      1. Allowing all third-party cookies
      2. Allowing selected third-party cookies
      1. Get support
    1. OER Repositories and Directories
    2. Resources for OER